Publications by INURA members
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Technopolis - Urbane Kämpfe in der San Francisco Bay Area (Technopolis - Urban Struggles in the San Francisco Bay Area)
Als Hauptsitz der IT-Giganten Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter und Co. nimmt die San Francisco Bay Area (Silicon Valley) eine weltweite Vorreiterrolle ein. Gleichzeitig ist der städtische Raum von rekordhohen Mieten und extremen sozialen Gegensätzen geprägt. Die Bay Area ist aber auch Schauplatz zahlreicher urbaner Bewegungen und sozialer Initiativen, die seit den 1960er-Jahren Widerstand gegen die kapitalistische Modernisierung entwickelt und eine vielfältige Gegenkultur hervorgebracht haben. San Francisco ist ein weltweit bedeutendes Labor der Zukunft, und die städtischen Kämpfe werfen die zentrale Frage auf, wie die Stadt von morgen aussehen wird. Die Beiträge der Autor*innen reflektieren diesen Spannungsbogen: Er reicht von den Konzernsitzen im neuen »Dotcom-Korridor« zu den Anti-Gentrifizierungskämpfen im traditionell von Einwander*innen bewohnten Mission District, von techno-utopischer Ideologie zu »Disruption« und Kommodifizierung immer weiterer Bereiche des Alltags, von den exklusiven Vororten des Silicon Valley zu den Zelten der Obdachlosen, von Occupy Oakland zu den Arbeitskämpfen in East Palo Alto, von rassistischer Polizeigewalt zu Black Lives Matter, von der exklusiven High-Tech-Metropole zur Sanctuary City, die die Rechte der Migrant*innen verteidigt. Zwei Texte zum Widerstand gegen den geplanten Google-Campus und das kleine »Silicon Valley« in Berlin-Kreuzberg sowie zum Entwicklungsstandort Zürich schlagen die Brücke zur hiesigen Situation.
Katja Schwaller (editor)
2019 by Assoziation A in Berlin and Seismo in Zurich ISBN 978-3-86241-471-0
232 pages with many photographs

Conoscenza, partecipazione e libertà
Questo libro affronta la questione della partecipazione pubblica in una prospettiva di radicale trasformazione sociale, cioè di costruzione di alternative che creino un nuovo rapporto sinergico con la natura non umana, e quindi un nuovo motore economico differente dal capitale, e nuovi rapporti sociali non alienati.
Perché la partecipazione si ponga in questa prospettiva deve essere all’altezza dei problemi da affrontare, cioè da un lato deve saper trattare delle alternative all’organizzazione economico sociale esistente, nelle loro specificazioni particolari e generali, astratte e concrete, e dall’altro deve saper discernere come si possa produrre conoscenza critica e riflessiva, e quindi antagonista, al sistema economico e sociale (spazio temporale) esistente. E’ necessaria una critica all’urbanistica che si propone come spazio politico del pensiero unico e così facendo contribuisce a chiudere e restringere il campo del possibile. La partecipazione deve essere tale da ampliare i confini del possibile e da costruire «la pratica dell’appropriazione all’essere umano del tempo e dello spazio, modalità superiore della libertà»
Marvi Maggio, 2021
Edizioni perUnaltracitt
Via degli artisti,8/a – 50132 Firenze
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Attribuzione – Non commerciale – Condividi allo stesso modo CC BY – Nc SA 3.0
Finito di stampare nel Settembre 2021
Pagine 67
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This study gives an overview of classical and critical definitions of the commons, as well as the theoretical framework for the urban commons and the interpretative perspective through struggles and practices of the commoning, followed by the specific case studies in the ex-YU region. During the period of writing and preparing this publication, we were constantly haunted by self-reflection and our own repeated questioning of the methods used and the results of our efforts. It seems that such a troublesome process never actually stops, as it exists in the ever-present search for a more radical change. We therefore perceive this publication as merely an overview of this particular moment and context, while our struggles to create and sustain more just spaces and communities – struggles always accompanied by continual reflection – have already surpassed these pages.
Iva Čukić, Jovana Timotijević (eds.)
Belgrade 2020
Publisher: Ministry of Space: Institute for Urban Politics, 2020 (Standard 2). – 211 str. : ilustr. ; 24 cm
ISBN 978-86-918827-8-5 (IFUP)
COBISS.SR-ID 18703369

Frauen erneuern Havanna
Die Altstadt von Havanna gilt als eines der größten lebenden Architekturmuseen der Welt. Am Wiederaufbau des vom Verfall bedrohten historischen Stadtkerns sind vor allem Frauen beteiligt: Zwölf der Architektinnen und Ingenieurinnen und ihre Werke werden in diesem Buch vorgestellt, Textbeiträge sowie ein Fotoessay vermitteln Eindrücke ihres Wirkungsfelds. Neben wenigen kubanischen Zeitschriftenartikeln ist dies die erste Publikation zu Architektinnen und Ingenieurinnen in Kuba. Im vergangenen Jahr wurde das 500-jährige Bestehen von Havanna gefeiert. Das Nebeneinander unterschiedlicher Baustile, Bauwerke von herausragender Schönheit und ihre oft karibischexperimentelle und farbenfrohe Ausprägung machen die kubanische Hauptstadt zum faszinierenden Anziehungsort. Weltweit einzigartig ist der hohe Frauenanteil in der Erneuerung der Altstadt und dem dafür zuständigen Architekturbüro Restaura. Ihre vielfach international preisgekrönten Werke zeigen das große Können dieser Frauen. Die für dieses Buch ausgewählten Planerinnen und ihre architektonischen Leistungen werden in Interviews, Fotografien und Architekturplänen der Gebäude vorgestellt. Textbeiträge geben Einblick in die kubanische Architektur seit der Revolution, den Architekturalltag in Kuba und die Position der Frau.
Frauen erneuern Havanna. Architektinnen, Ingenieurinnen und ihre Bauwerke im architektonischen Weltkulturerbe der Altstadt. Erschienen 2020, 144 Seiten, fester Einband, EAN 9783868289558, ISBN 978-3-86828-955-8

Massive Suburbanization - (Re)Building the Global Periphery
Providing a systematic overview of large-scale housing projects, Massive Suburbanization investigates the building and rebuilding of urban peripheries on a global scale. Offering a universal inter-referencing point for research on the dynamics of “massive suburbia,” this book builds a new discussion pertaining to the problems of the urban periphery, urbanization, and the neoliberal production of space.
Conceptual and empirical chapters revisit the classic cases of large-scale suburban building in Canada, the former Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, and the United States and examine the new peripheral estates in China, Egypt, Israel, Morocco, the Philippines, South Africa, and Turkey. The contributors examine a broad variety of cases that speak to the building or redevelopment of large-scale peripheral housing estates, tower neighbourhoods, Grands Ensembles, Groβwohnsiedlungen, and Toplu Konut. Concerned with state and corporate policy for building suburban estates, Massive Suburbanization confronts the politics surrounding local inhabitants and their “right to the suburb.”

Eventisierung der Stadt.
Events have become a consistent feature of our everyday life. They are planned professionally, designed with clever scripting, and convey a sense of exclusivity. The event concept stands for a specific cross-over area be-tween economic usage contexts and popular practice dimensions. Set against this unclear notion, this book focuses on processes of urban development and the normative potential of patterns in event production and reception. On the one hand, urban development and event production are therefore seen as the drivers of exclusion processes. On the other hand, eventization is viewed as an interweaving of production and reception processes. We all take part more or less actively in eventization processes and usually also accept them willingly. The flip side of eventization and the inequalities that it causes, however, remain mostly invisible. Based on the example of Zurich, this book examines the question of how event cultures reorganize and link processes and practices of social self-understanding.
Softcover with flaps
16.5 x 24 cm
408 pages, 20 col. and 20 b/w
ISBN 978-3-86859-493-5

The Urban Politics of Squatters' Movements
This volume sheds light on the development of squatting practices and movements in nine European cities (Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, Rome, Paris, Berlin, Copenhagen, Rotterdam and Brighton) by examining the numbers, variations and significant contexts in their life course. It reveals how and why squatting practices have shifted and to what extent they engender urban movements. The book measures the volume and changes in squatting over various decades, mostly by focusing on Squatted Social Centres but also including squatted housing. In addition, it systematically compares the cycles, socio-spatial structures and the political implications of squatting in selected cities. This collection highlights how squatters’ movements have persisted over more than four decades through different trajectories and circumstances, especially in relation to broader protest cycles and reveals how political opportunities and constraints influence the conflicts around the legalisation of squats.
The Urban Politics of Squatters’ Movements
Series: The Contemporary City
First Edition (2018)
Topics: Urban Studies/Sociology
Published by Palgrave Macmillan US
ISBN 978-1-349-95313-4
Pages 299

The Suburban Land Question. A Global Survey
As part of the urbanization process, suburban development involves the conversion of rural land to urban use. When discussing the suburbs, most writers focus on particular countries in the northern hemisphere, implying that patterns and processes elsewhere are fundamentally different. The purpose of The Suburban Land Question is to identify the common elements of suburban development, focusing on issues associated with the scale and pace of rapid urbanization around the world.
Editors Richard Harris and Ute Lehrer and a diverse group of contributors draw on a variety of sources, including official data, planning documents, newspapers, interviews, photographs, and field observations to explore the pattern, process, and planning of suburban land development. Featuring case studies from major world regions, including China, India, Latin America, South Africa, as well as France, Austria, the Netherlands, the United States, and Canada, the volume identifies and discusses the peculiarly transitional character of suburban land. In addition to place and time, The Suburban Land Question addresses the many elements that distinguish land development in urban fringe areas, including economy, social infrastructure, and legality.
The Suburban Land Question – A Global Survey
Series: Global Suburbanisms
First Edition (2018)
Published by University of Toronto Press
ISBN 9781442626959
Pages 368

Across Theory and Practice: Thinking Through Urban Research
How does theory relate to practice? How should practice inform theory? Scholars all over the world struggle with these questions, particularly in urban research which offers simultaneously a field of deep theory and a very practical place of work. For the study of contemporary urban development in all its complexity, these questions are of utmost importance. The experiences of urban crisis require action that is informed, guided, and grounded to improve living conditions. But the most important challenges of twenty-first-century urbanisation are exacerbated by a growing gulf between theoretical understandings and practical considerations.
Across Theory and Practice: Thinking Through Urban Research
August, 2018
Editors: Monika Grubbauer, Kate Shaw
Published by Jovis Verlag GmbH
ISBN 978-3-86859- 540-6
Pages 256
Illustration 61

Planning the Mobile Metropolis. Transport for People, Places and the Planet
Our economic welfare and social well-being depend on our mobility. But our means of travel threaten the planet’s sustainability. In this innovative text, Luca Bertolini shows how mobility planning – which takes seriously the demands of both urban and transport planning – offers solutions to transport challenges in the 21st Century.
Planning the Mobile Metropolis – Transport for People, Places and the Planet
Series: Planning, Environment, Cities
First Edition (2017)
Published by Red Globe Press
ISBN 9780230308763
Pages 224

Divercities. Understanding super-diversity in deprived and mixed neighbourhoods
How do people deal with diversity in deprived and mixed urban neighbourhoods? This edited collection provides a comparative international perspective on superdiversity in cities, with explicit attention given to social inequality and social exclusion on a neighbourhood level.
Although public discourses on urban diversity are often negative, this book focuses on how residents actively and creatively come and live together through micro-level interactions. By deliberately taking an international perspective on the daily lives of residents, the book uncovers the ways in which national and local contexts shape living in diversity.
The book will be a valuable resource for researchers and students of poverty, segregation and social mix, conviviality, the effects of international migration, urban and neighbourhood policies and governance, multiculturality, social networks, social cohesion, social mobility, and super-diversity.
More information see “Contents” on
Divercities – Understanding super-diversity in deprived and mixed neighbourhoods
Edited by Stijn Oosterlynck, Gert Verschraegen and Ronald van Kempen
Published on 19 Dec 2018
ISBN 978-1447338178
Pages 256
Dimensions 234 x 156 mm

Contested Cities and Urban Activism
This edited volume advances our understanding of urban activism beyond the social movement theorization dominated by thesis of political opportunity structure and resource mobilization, as well as by research based on experience from the global north. Covering a diversity of urban actions from a broad range of countries in both hemispheres as well as the global north and global south, this unique collection notably focuses on non-institutionalised or localised urban actions that have the potential to bring about radical structural transformation of the urban system and also addresses actions in authoritarian regimes that are too sensitive to call themselves “movement”. It addresses localized issues cut off from international movements such as collective consumption issues, like clean water, basic shelter, actions against displacement or proper venues for street vendors, and argues that the integration of the actions in cities in the global south with the specificity of their local social and political environment is as pivotal as their connection with global movement networks or international NGOs. A key read for researchers and policy makers cutting across the fields of urban sociology, political science, public policy, geography, regional studies and housing studies, this text provides an interdisciplinary and international perspective on 21st century urban activism in the global north and south.
- Provides an interdisciplinary and international perspective on 21st century urban activism in the global north and south.
- Advances understanding of urban activism beyond the established social movement and global north focus of urban studies.
- Considers the diversity of urban action and connects the shaping of urban activism to the social, political and cultural environments at various levels – local, regional, national and global.
Contested Cities and Urban Activism
Series: The Contemporary City
First Edition (2019)
Editors: Yip, Ngai Ming. Martínez López, Miguel A.. Sun, Xiaoyi.
Published by Springer Verlag
ISBN 978-981-13-1729-3
Pages 313
Illustration 12
As hardcover or ebook:

Ethnografie urbaner Territorien. Metropolitane Urbanisierungsprozesse von Mexiko-Stadt
Ethnografie urbaner Territorien lädt buchstäblich ein, durch die Straßen von Mexiko-Stadt zu streifen. In ihrer Auseinandersetzung mit urbanen Produktions- und Aneignungsprozessen nimmt Monika Streule eine sozioterritoriale Perspektive auf tief eingeschriebene gesellschaftliche Machtverhältnisse ein. Für den ungewöhnlichen metropolitanen Maßstab ihrer qualitativ-empirischen Studie entwickelt sie theoretische Konzepte sowie transdisziplinär angelegte methodische Verfahren einer kritischen Stadtforschung und zeigt deren Anwendungsmöglichkeiten auf.
Streule, Monika (2018) Ethnografie urbaner Territorien. Metropolitane Urbanisierungsprozesse von Mexiko-Stadt. aus der Reihe Raumproduktionen: Theorie und gesellschaftliche Praxis Band 32. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot. ISBN: 978-3-89691-294-7

Public Space Unbound: Urban Emancipation and the Post-Political Condition
Public Space Unbound brings together a cross-disciplinary group of scholars to examine spaces, conditions and circumstances in which emancipatory practices impact the everyday life of citizens. We ask: How do emancipatory practices relate with public space under ‘post-political conditions’? In a time when democracy, solidarity and utopias are in crisis, we argue that productive emancipatory claims already exist in the lived space of everyday life rather than in the expectation of urban revolution and future progress.
Through an exploration of emancipation in recent processes of capitalist urbanization, this book argues the political is enacted through the everyday practices of publics producing space. This suggests democracy is a spatial practice rather than an abstract professional field organized by institutions, politicians and movements.

Demanding Water. A Sociospatial Approach to Domestic Water Use in Mexico City.
In the essentially water-rich basin of Mexico City, water taps are now installed in most homes. Yet in many of the city’s poorer neighborhoods in particular, water is supplied intermittently and taps often remain dry. How does such a socially constructed water scarcity affect water-related everyday practices in the home? And what is the relation between urban space and domestic practices of water use? In this study, Anke Schwarz employs a sociospatial approach which infuses Pierre Bourdieu’s Theory of Practice with a relational understanding of space. She draws upon in-depth interviews with 53 residents of Mexico City’s Federal District, taking subjective experience as a starting point, and adds a historical angle through the instrument of habitat biographies. With respect to the pressing issue of urban water supply, Schwarz offers a fresh perspective to urban geography by placing an emphasis on a sociospatial approach on the micro scale. She demonstrates how water use can be a demanding everyday task even in cities where virtually all dwellings do have water taps. Rooftop tanks and jugs of bottled water are only the most visible tokens of the differences made by such supply limitations.
Anke Schwarz (2017): Megacities and Global Change, Vol. 22. Stuttgart: Steiner.

Towards a community-led London Plan: policy directions and proposals
Towards a community-led London Plan: policy directions and proposals,
August 2016 This 74 page intervention is the outcome of more discussion by working teams of JustSpace organisations and another conference, all building on the February document below.
Operating mainly through mutual support among member-groups but also through sharing of information, research and resources, we are now active at neighbourhood, borough and London- wide levels. What brought us together was a need at the city-wide level to challenge the domination of the planning process by developers and public bodies, the latter themselves heavily in uenced by property development interests.
Free Download: Just Space A4 Community-Led London Plan
Free Download: Just Space A4 Community-Led London Plan

Governing Cities through Regions. Canadian and European Perspectives
The region is back in town. Galloping urbanization has pushed beyond historical notions of metropolitanism. City-regions have experienced, in Edward Sojas terms, an epochal shift in the nature of the city and the urbanization process, marking the beginning of the end of the modern metropolis as we knew it.
Governing Cities Through Regions broadens and deepens our understanding of metropolitan governance through an innovative comparative project that engages with Anglo-American, French, and German literatures on the subject of regional governance. It expands the comparative angle from issues of economic competiveness and social cohesion to topical and relevant fields such as housing and transportation, and it expands comparative work on municipal governance to the regional scale.
With contributions from established and emerging international scholars of urban and regional governance, the volume covers conceptual topics and case studies that contrast the experience of a range of Canadian metropolitan regions with a strong selection of European regions. It starts from assumptions of limited conversion among regions across the Atlantic but is keenly aware of the
remarkable differences in urban regions path dependencies in which the larger processes of globalization and neo-liberalization are situated and materialized.
Governing Cities through Regions Canadian and European Perspectives,
edited by Roger Keil; Julie-Anne Boudreau; Stefan Kipfer & Pierre Hamel
9781771122771, 295 pages, December 2016

Saving Our Cities, A Progressive Plan to Transform Urban America
In Saving Our Cities, William W. Goldsmith shows how cities can be places of opportunity rather than places with problems. With strongly revived cities and suburbs, working as places that serve all their residents, metropolitan areas will thrive, thus making the national economy more productive, the environment better protected, the citizenry better educated, and the society more reflective, sensitive, and humane.
Goldsmith argues that America has been in the habit of abusing its cities and their poorest suburbs, which are always the first to be blamed for society’s ills and the last to be helped. As federal and state budgets, regulations, and programs line up with the interests of giant corporations and privileged citizens, they impose austerity on cities, shortchange public schools, make it hard to get nutritious food, and inflict the drug war on unlucky neighborhoods.
Frustration with inequality is spreading. Parents and teachers call persistently for improvements in public schooling, and education experiments abound. Nutrition indicators have begun to improve, as rising health costs and epidemic obesity have led to widespread attention to food. The futility of the drug war and the high costs of unwarranted, unprecedented prison growth have become clear. Goldsmith documents a positive development: progressive politicians in many cities and some states are proposing far-reaching improvements, supported by advocacy groups that form powerful voting blocs, ensuring that Congress takes notice. When more cities forcefully demand enlightened federal and state action on these four interrelated problems—inequality, schools, food, and the drug war—positive movement will occur in traditional urban planning as well, so as to meet the needs of most residents for improved housing, better transportation, and enhanced public spaces.
Illustrations 12 Illustrations

Struggling for Recognition and Affordable Housing in Amsterdam and Hamburg. Resignation, resistance, relocation
Searching for justice in cities invokes the recognition paradigm in contemporary critical theory, where Axel Honneth counts as a leading voice. Honneth has not only conceptualized the moral grammar of social conflict but has convincingly explained what we want from life. Linking Honneths theory of justice, recognition and freedom with Henri Lefebvres Production of Space and the Right to the City, this thesis addresses the fundamental question: who has a right to settle where and why and as a consequence when to resign, resist, relocate. For such questions, Amsterdam and Hamburg are explored as terrains of conflict with property-led urbanization and property-led displacement. The argument consists of the following elements: one theoretical stream that grapples with (a) philosophers to recognize the relational role of space and (b) critical urban scholars to recognise the third generation of the Frankfurt School. And second, an empirically grounded stream that equates local gentrification struggles with particular protests in Amsterdam and comprehensive resistance in Hamburg. The analytical framework addresses © social movement studies to embrace the relation-to-self (i.e. self-confidence and self-limitations of movements) and (d) Lefebvrian scholars to re/consider the moral dimension and dual character of property rights. Conceptualizing Anti-Squat property-guardianship as a new phenomenon for housing research (e) the inherent cynicism of this model is re/connected to a moral housing discourse. Connecting critical theory to spatial practice, this book also unsettles the settlement argument. Possibilities of relocation are crucial to the quality of local conflicts: the freedom of movement and freedom of choice being the most delicate things.
Buchholz, Tino (2016)
Publisher: University of Groningen
252 pages with 23 figures/ tables
Print ISBN: 978-90-367-8974-5
Electronic ISBN: 978-90-367-8973-8
Published: July 2016
please order a paperback via the author’s email (20,- EUR)
and find the ebook free for download here:

Savamala is a small, so called neglected neighborhood close to the center of Belgrade. End of 2012 the Bureau Savamala team started the gentrification research and observed ongoing cultural and creative interventions with a series of research tools such as statistical analysis, photo documentation, interviews with inhabitants, politicians, visitors. The book contains also contributions of the Urban Incubator Project interventions by architects, students and artists. Savamala started to get trendy a few years ago and in nighttime turns into an area of vibrant nightlife. In 2014 a major change was announced with a waterfront development of an Abu Dhabi investor with the Serbian government … The book ends with an open letter to the people of Belgrade by INURA.
Editors: Jürgen Krusche/Philipp Klaus (eds)
208 Pages, 185 Images, Softcover: 16,5 x 24 cm
Euro 29.80 sFr 38.80
ISBN 978-3-86859-359-4

In a world of cities, suburbanization is the most visible and pervasive phenomenon. Global sprawl engulfs us but it does so in remarkably differentiated ways. While the single-family home subdivisions of North America remain the “classical case,” there are now many other forms of suburbanism around the globe. The high rise housing estates around many European and Canadian cities, the belts and wedges of squatter settlements in the global south, the burgeoning megacity peripheries between Istanbul and Shanghai and the technopoles and edge cities in all corners of the world are all part of a pervasive trend towards global suburbanisms. Suburban Constellations provides a first account of this global development. 22 of the most well-known global urban scholars analyze the multiple manifestations of suburbanization and suburbanism. They are joined by artistic and illustrative contributions. Overviews of suburbanization trends in the Americas, Europe, Africa, Australia and Asia complete Suburban Constellations.
Editor: Roger Keil (ed.)
208 Pages with 130 col. Images
Softcover Dimensions: 16.8 x 24 cm
Euro 28.00 sFr 36.80
ISBN 978-3-86859-231-3
Date of publication: July 2013

Invarianti strutturali nel governo del territorio
The introduction of the concept of structural invariant in territorial and urban planning has encountered numerous application problems. The purpose of this work is to investigate the reasons and formulate a new definition capable of overcoming them. At the center of the analysis is the relationship between crucial concepts in the interpretation of the territory: development sustainability, resource, space, place, place identity, status, spatio-temporal territorial structures, and structural invariants intended as an instrument to produce and reproduce the social and environmental identity and quality of the territory. The fulcrum is the organization and functioning of the territory, the spatio-temporal processes and the actors who created them. And from intangible, but objective values, it is necessary to take the moves: the real estate values and the values attributed by the different population groups, in terms of memory, attribution of meaning and identity.
L’introduzione del concetto di invariante strutturale nella pianificazione territoriale ed urbana ha incontrato numerosi problemi applicativi. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è indagarne le ragioni e formulare una nuova definizione capace di superarli. Al centro dell’analisi si trova il rapporto fra concetti cruciali nell’interpretazione del territorio: sostenibilità dello sviluppo, risorsa, spazio, luogo, identità di luogo, statuto, strutture territoriali spazio-temporali, e le invarianti strutturali intese come strumento per produrre e riprodurre identità e qualità sociali e ambientali del territorio. Il fulcro sono l’organizzazione e i funzionamenti del territorio, i processi spazio- temporali e gli attori che se ne sono artefici. E dai valori immateriali, ma oggettivi, è necessario prendere le mosse: i valori immobiliari e i valori attribuiti dai differenti gruppi di popolazione, in termini di memoria, attribuzione di senso e identità.
Marvi Maggio
Publication year: 2014Published by Firenze University Press
Pages: 184
ISSN online: 2704-579X
e-ISBN: 978-88-6655-629-9