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Become a member of INURA!

Join INURA, exchange experiences, have contacts throughout the world with people involved in urban research and action, join workgroups, and of course attend the annual INURA meeting. As a member, you can access the member area on, with the following features: Information about projects and activities of other INURA members; search by city and interests; add your own event on the website’s calendar; write news which appear on the front page and discuss them in the news section with other people; access reports and other INURA documents.

Different Kinds of Membership

The individual fee is the regular fee. The basic fee can be chosen by students, unemployed and persons with very low income. The reduced fee for people that can afford more then the basic fee.  Sustaining membership are welcome from persons that have a good salary and/or are else in a good financial situation. Institutional membership is for departments at universities, enterprises and associations. Free membership upon request (contact the INURA Common Office).

For Credit Card transfers a fee of 5% is due. Use whenever possible bank to bank transfer for free with SEPA (Europe) also possible in Euro.

• Individual EUR 70
• Sustaining EUR 150
• Institutional EUR 400
• Reduced EUR 40
• Basic EUR 25

Terms and conditions of membership see in the box on the right.

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Terms and conditions
  • Membership fee is for 1 year, and has to be renewed annually.
  • Membership ends with written notice by the member.
  • Paid fees (or parts of it) are not refundable.
  • Exclusion of members can be decided by the AGM due to contravention against the principles or not meeting the financial demands (fee payment).
  • The amount of the membership fee is decided at the AGM.
  • Members can participate and vote on INURA matters at the Annual General Meeting (AGM):
    • The AGM takes place during the annual INURA conference.
    • The agenda of the AGM is announced in advance.
    • Every member can contribute to the agenda.
  • INURA’s legal form is an association according to Swiss law (Art. 60ff ZGB) with seat in Zurich, Switzerland
  • With your membership you confirm your agreement with the INURA principles
  • Membership admits you to participate in common projects, p.ex. “New Metropolitan Mainstream”
  • Your contribution helps to maintain the INURA homepage, membership administration and coordination of INURA activities.