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32nd INURA Conference – (Un)Attractive City – Breakting the Spell of Space Exploitation

There have been annual INURA conferences since the founding of INURA in 1991. They are a major platform for the exchange of urban research and action taking place throughout the world. The conference takes place in a different location each year. Local INURA groups organize conferences in their cities, to highlight and foster discussions of the local context.

The first part of the conference is an exchange among local residents and conference participants consisting of site visits, panel discussions, public events and interventions to bring participants closer to specific issues and concerns in the city.

The second part of the conference is a retreat outside of the city. This provides a forum to further exchange and reflect on the city visit, and to discuss in more depth interests of INURA, and ongoing projects from around the world. The retreat is intended for INURA members, however, interested newcomers are always welcome.

If you would like to present or discuss a research and/or action project at a conference, please send a short description of your possible contribution to


The INURA Conference Fund is a means to support activists to join the conferences. More information: Go to the INURA-Fund


Upcoming conference

32nd Annual INURA Conference, Malaga.

(Un)Attractive City - Breakting the Spell of Space Exploitation

The 32nd Annual INURA conference will be held in Malaga, Spain, from June 3-6, followed by the retreat.

Visit INURA Malaga Conference Website

Past conferences

2019 Zagreb

City (Un)defeated

29th INURA conference June 30 to July 3, 2019

ZAGREB, Croatia

Retreat July 4-7, Brijuni Island

Conference website

2018 Warsaw

Footloose Warsaw - towards a walkable urban theory

28th INURA Conference June 23-27, 2018

WARSAW, Poland

Retreat  June 28-29, Zegrze Lake.

Conference website

2017 Havana

Havana at the crossroads of urbanisation

27th INURA Conference Nov 19-22, 2017


Retreat  Nov 23-25, Playa Giron.

Conference website

2016 Bucharest

"City in Transitions. Spaces of Confusion, Places of Hope"

26th INURA Conference Sep 04-07


Retreat Sep 07-10, Sibiel (Transylvania)

Conference website

2015 Athens

Transformative Urban Politics?

25th INURA Conference
Athens, Greece // Aug 30 to Sept 2, 2015 // retreat Rovies on Evia Island Sep 3 to 6, 2015

Conference Website

2014 Belgrade

Between Big Ideas and Life's Realities

24th INURA Conference
Belgrade, Serbia. June 22 – 25

Retreat: Tara, Serbia. June 26 – 29

More Information

2013 Lisbon / Coimbra / Curia

Urban (Ir)Rationalities

23rd INURA Conference
June 23 – 26 Conference Lisbon, June 27-30
Retreat in Coimbra/Curia

More Information

2012 Tallinn, Estonia

Active Urbanism

22nd INURA Conference
Tallinn / Kloogaranna, June 17 to 24, 2012

More Information

2011 Mexico City

Urban Growth: Legality Limits

21st INURA Conference
Mexico City / Tepoztlan
November 3 to 9, 2011

More Information

Programme (PDF)

Short report

2010 Zürich

New Metropolitan Mainstream

20th INURA Conference
Zürich / Richterswil, Switzerland
June 27 to July 3, 2010

More Information