NEWS 2015
New Book
‘STREET VENDING in the Neoliberal City – A Global Perspective on the Practices and Policies of a Marginalized Economy.’
“It highlights street vending as a precarized economy, reveals public space as a contested territory, and points out local parctices’ inetricable ties to developments on a global scale.“ (by the editors Kristina Graaf and Noa Ha).
With contributions/reports from Berlin, Calcutta, Dhaka, Mexico City, New York, Los Angeles, Rio de Janeiro.
Good Australian write-up of Berlin rent-control victory
INURA members successfully active in Berlin housing campaign and in reporting about it in Australia.
Planning London WITH the people
Community groups organised in the Just Space network and London-wide organisations working to influence London’s strategic planning document, The London Plan, today issues ‘key demands’ as basis of more detailed Community Visions for the next London Plan:
Key demands for a “Community Vision” for the next London Plan
Fundamentals and Process issues: challenges some assumptions; calls for a proper programme of community engagement in developing the next London Plan.
· Sustainable Development: highlights the need to better integrate environmental, social and economic goals as London has not been developing sustainably – climate change and air pollution targets are not being met, issues of equity and inequality need addressing, and a diverse range of economic activity is needed.
· Environment, Social inclusion and Economy: green space, habitat, water and food issues; helping marginalised communities; developing a more egalitarian and more sustainable economy.
· Transport and Housing that are genuinely affordable: more is needed on reducing the need for people to have to travel unnecessarily, fostering walking and cycling and avoiding new road-building; delivering adequate social rented housing to reverse the “affordable housing con” and deal well with demolition versus refurbishment issues.
Download full document:…/jsvisions2015…
New Book: Bureau Savamala Belgrade
Just published: Research on the Savamala neighbourhood in Belgrade, RS. Edited by Philipp Klaus INURA Zurich Institute and Jürgen Krusche (University of Arts Zurich). More…
Job Vacancy University Assistant (postgraduate/Prädoc) _Urban Culture and Public Space_ TU Wien
The Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, TU Wien ( offers a temporary part-time university assistant position.
Time of employment: 24th September 15 to 23rd May 16 (25 hours/week, postgraduate level (Prädoc)).
Deadline for applications: 30th June 2015 via email to and
For further information, please visit the Mitteilungsblatt TU Wien (no. 116.4.1.) and our homepage.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further questions.
best wishes,
Sabine Knierbein
Activists opposing “Belgrade on Water” devel’t arrested for “distributing newspaper”
Communal police officers filed reports on Thursday against activists of the Initiative against Drowning Belgrade (“Ne da(vi)mo Beograd”) for public distribution of print material on questionable issues related to the project Belgrade Waterfront.
Local authorities in Belgrade county Palilula claimed to not have jurisdiction over issuing permits for distribution of the material and the police permitted the gathering. Still the communal inspection took into custody three activists that were giving out papers, one journalist on assignment and a passerby who stopped to greet a friend.
Reports were filed for “distribution of newspapers” and we were told that citizens are not entitled to express their opinion in such a way.
While the state illegally puts up post banners, billboards and even promotional pubs for a private commercial project, citizens have no right to publicly expressed opinion. Soon the state will start closing down public parks to move the citizens off the streets. Obviously, citizens are in the way of the state authorities. The national and public interest have nothing in common with the needs and desires of citizens but are instead a product of shady deals and private interests of political and economic elites.
This will not prevent us from further distribution of the material and from insisting that there should be a public debate on development of the city and the society. We are encouraged by the citizens’ response. Try as they might, the authorities can not forbid people to think!
(BETA news agency on the event)
Communal police took activists, a journalist and a passerby into custody
BELGRADE, 19 March 2015 (Beta news agency) – Activists of the Initiative “Ne da(vi)mo Beograd” (“Drowning Belgrade”) that advocate against Belgrade Waterfront project, were taken into custody on Thursday by the Communal police while they were distributing printed material in front of the City Management offices. This took place despite the fact that regular permits for the event have been obtained.
Apart from several members of the civil initiative, communal police officers also took into custody Beta news agency reporter who was assigned to cover the event, as well as a passerby that had nothing to do with the event. Communal police stated that reports were filed for “distribution of advertising material” although activists showed permits issued by the regular police where it was clearly written that the permit extends to “distribution of informative material on city development”, which was itself submitted to the permit issuing authorities. A passerby was taken into custody together with the activists. During the procedure with the inspection officer on duty, a clerk refused to write a report against the passerby as she was told he took no part in the event, the inspector ordered her to in raised voice. After she insistently refused to follow the order, the inspector took her out of the office, and cursed upon his return. The clerk did not write further reports on the matter. A report was filed against the Beta news agency reporter, although she attempted to show her journalist ID to the authorities and stated that she would submit written confirmation from the agency that she was officially assigned to cover the event for the purpose of the reporting in front of the City management. “Despite the permits issued by the regular police, communal inspection and officers took us informally into custody to their premises where they also took in citizens and a reporter. They did not allow us to say that these people had nothing to do with our event”, said the civil initiative representative Radomir Lazović. “On the pretext that we were distributing advertisments, they tried to prevent us from handing out these papers”, he added.
New issue of “Ne da(vi)mo Beograd” leaflet presented on Monday compiled numerous controversies of the Belgrade Waterfront project. “We do not understand what else is required for us to be able to complete this tiniest of events in this city. It is obvious that these papers caused distress among people involved in the project”, said Lazović and added that citizens have the right to be informed and to have opinion on further develompent of the city.
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